Chris Levine is set to launch “Inner [Deep] Space,” a new immersive sensory installation during Frieze London. This October sees the launch o fInner [Deep] Space, a series of experiential light and sound works by celebrated multidisciplinary artist, Chris Levine. The exhibition at Park Village Studios will be Levine’s largest artist-led solo exhibition to date.
The upcoming exhibition at Park Village Studios, one of Regent Park’s most historic venues, just minutes walk from the entrance to Frieze Masters, will present some twenty works, spanning installation, light, and print. The show will be centered around the title piece, “Inner [Deep] Space,” a large-scale installation that will immerse the audience as they enter the show space. Chris Levine aims to transport visitors into a meditative realm through super-sensory light fields and laser projection, alongside his distinctive three-dimensional portraiture and laser-etched works on paper.